This is the earliest Hiley will so far found, written on 27th June 1577. James died 3 weeks later and was buried on 21st July.
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Will of James Hilaleighe of Sowerby 1577
(Click on the will to enlarge it) |
The following translation was done by Michael Fitton:
In the name of God amen the 27 day of June in the year of our lord god 1577 I James Hilaleighe of the township of Sowerby and diocese of York Sick in body but of good and perfect remembrance praise be god Do make and ordain this my present testament containing herein my last will in manner and form following first and principally I commend my soul into the hands of almighty god my loving and merciful father assuredly believing to have remission of all my sins by the Death and passion of Jesus Christ his son my alone savior and redeemer and my body to be buried in the churchyard of Halifax among the bodies of the faithful there buried expecting with them to have a joyful resurrection. Item my will is that all debt and duties which I owe of right to any person or persons be well and truly contented and paid. Item I give and bequeath to Agnes the wife of Robert Ireland 40 shillings. Item I give and bequeath to William Gledhill of Warley all that which he owes to me and on and beside that 40 shillings. Item I give to five children of Margaret Ramsbotham deceased my sister to every one of them 10 shillings. Item I bequeath to Henry Perks 10 shillings to John Emmet 10 shillings and to Richard Dickson 10 shillings. Item I give and bequeath to Elizabeth Longbotham my daughter twenty marks to be paid within one year next after my decease upon condition that she the said Eliz and Edward Longbotham her husband do deliver one acquittance general under their seals to my executors hereafter to be named. The residue of all my goods chattels and debts after my funeral expense debt and payment are discharged I give and bequeath wholly to Margaret Hylaleighe and Isabell Hylaleighe my daughters equally to be divided between them and I appoint the said Margaret and Isabell Hylaleighe executrices of this my last will and testament. Witnesses hereof Adam Morris clerke, William Hilaleigh (next word looks like osk, perhaps means otherwise to denote a different spelling of surname) Hilaleighe George Hilaleighe Edmund Tatersall and Richard Denton.
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